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CAFFE ROSSO BOWRAL has won the New South Wales Savour Australia™ Restaurant & Catering HOSTPLUS Awards for Excellence 2017.

More than 900 local restaurants, cafes, and catering businesses were judged across 71 categories, with the winners announced at the Awards for Excellence ceremony held at Dockside Pavilion, Sydney.

The Awards for Excellence is a nationally recognized, independently judged awards program that celebrates exceptional service and culinary talent across Australia. The Awards for Excellence is an authoritative guide to Australia’s best restaurants and caterers, recognizing and promoting industry best practices.

The Awards for Excellence, now in its 17th year, is judged by an independent team of trained judges who anonymously visit the venues to determine the winners. The scores are based on the entire dining experience from food to the customer service experienced when the judges anonymously dine.

R&CA CEO John Hart says, “The winners should be proud of their achievements. The culinary experiences in New South Wales are world-class. The winners make a significant contribution to the industry and our reputation as a destination for great food.

“The winners have been rigorously reviewed in one of the most objective awards systems, which looks at the entire dining experience, rather than a single food or service dimension,” Mr Hart says.

CAFFE ROSSO BOWRAL will have the chance to compete with other region finalists at the National Savour Australia TM Restaurant & Catering HOSTPLUS Awards for Excellence. 

R&CA represents thousands of restaurant and catering businesses operating across Australia.

About 1,500 members are reviewed in the Awards for Excellence each year, which is not only a great promotional and accreditation program for businesses but also assists consumers in identifying some stand-out establishments.

To view the full list of category winners in the 2017 Savour Australia TM Restaurant & Catering HOSTPLUS Awards for Excellence, please visit the Restaurant & Catering website at


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